Now Reading: The Beyeler Foundation museum in Switzerland is presenting an exhibition by Georgian painter, Pirosmani.


The Beyeler Foundation museum in Switzerland is presenting an exhibition by Georgian painter, Pirosmani.

September 19, 20232 min read

The Fondation Beyeler, the most visited museum of art in Switzerland, is hosting the exhibition of Georgia’s iconic self-taught painter Niko Pirosmani, bringing his 46 works from different collections to the venue.

The Fondation Beyeler has bestowed upon the Georgian artist the title of “one of modern art’s enigmatic loners,” drawing comparisons between Pirosmani and iconic figures like Vincent van Gogh, Henri Rousseau, and Marc Chagall.

With a remarkable sensitivity, this self-taught painter possessed the ability to elevate the ordinary to the extraordinary. His depictions of people and animals exuded profound dignity, often engaging the viewer with both insistence and detachment. Immersed in tranquil harmony, his subjects radiated a captivating presence. Pirosmani’s use of vibrant colors against a black backdrop resulted in iconic images of striking intensity.

Within the museum’s exhibition, visitors can explore the Pirosmani room, offering insights into the artist’s life and the historical context of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, during his era through a collection of images, newspaper clippings, and period publications.

The Pirosmani exhibition at the Beyeler Foundation will run until January 28, 2024.

Prior to this, the Pirosmani display graced Denmark’s most popular venue, the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, from May to August.

In a significant partnership, the Georgian National Museum, with support from the Culture Ministry, entered into a memorandum of cooperation with the Fondation Beyeler and the Louisiana Museum in September 2022. This memorandum outlines a long-term collaboration encompassing museum activities, restoration and conservation efforts, as well as educational projects.

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