Now Reading: Nino Kharatishvili’s esteemed novel, “The Eighth Life (Brilka)”, is set to make a transition from its bound pages to the television screen


Nino Kharatishvili’s esteemed novel, “The Eighth Life (Brilka)”, is set to make a transition from its bound pages to the television screen

July 16, 20232 min read

This upcoming TV adaptation is slated for filming in Germany, with the producers behind the four-time Oscar-winning movie “All Quiet on the Western Front” taking charge. The screenplay will see contributions from The Ink Factory, a studio that boasts an Emmy to its name. The project will be under the guidance of Sara Lambert, a highly respected figure in the television and film industry.

Since its debut in 2014, “The Eighth Life (Brilka)” has skyrocketed in popularity, earning bestseller status in several countries, including Kharatishvili’s homeland, Georgia. Her gripping tales and complex narratives have won her acclaim, often referred to as “Tolstoy’s Successor”. Her literary talent has garnered wide recognition with sales of her works surpassing a million copies worldwide. “The Eighth Life” has made its way into the shortlists for prestigious awards like the Booker International Prize and the Dublin Literary Prize. Kharatishvili’s literary contribution has been acknowledged in Germany with honors such as the Karl Zukmayer Medal and the Gisela Elsner Prize.

The author’s most recent work, “Insufficient Light”, was translated into Georgian at the end of the last year. The novel gained notable recognition at the Berlinale, where it was featured among the top ten potential movie adaptations. Before its publication in the original language, translation rights for “Insufficient Light” were acquired by more than ten countries, including the distinguished publisher, HarperCollins. Noteworthy is the fact that the Georgian version of the book was completely sold out within just three days of its publication, further emphasizing the author’s vast appeal.

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