The producer of the world-renowned reality show “From Scratch,” David Raphael Moscow, recently visited the Tsinandali Estate, A Radisson Collection Hotel where he prepared the Georgian dish Chakafuli with the brand chef of Silk Hospitality, Irakli Asatiani. This segment will be part of the upcoming season episode dedicated to Georgia. As part of a new
Walnut Delights in Georgian Cuisine In the Georgian culinary landscape, walnuts find themselves in the spotlight, featuring prominently in an array of vegetarian dishes. Eggplant coupled with walnuts creates a mouth-watering combination. Whether fried or baked, when blended with onions, coriander, salt, and vinegar, it becomes a staple dish across Georgia. The pkhali assortment, featuring
Caucasian cuisine is a true melting pot of flavors and traditions, offering a rich and varied taste experience. Rooted in the diverse cultures of the Caucasus region, which includes countries like Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and parts of Russia, the food here is an incredible blend of European and Middle Eastern influences. The combination of local
Amid rising energy costs and inflation leading to downsizing and bankruptcy of vertical farms in Western Europe, those in emerging Europe are witnessing growth. The continent’s consideration of carbon footprint and food sustainability has led to a heightened interest in vertical farms. Vertical farming employs stacked layers of crop-growing spaces, lit by LED lights, within
Hello food connoisseurs, Silk Hospitality, a prominent name in the world of fine dining in Georgia, has recently embarked on a remarkable culinary initiative that is set to reshape the food scene in Tbilisi. The company has announced a significant special menu revamp across three of its prestigious restaurants in the city: Filini, Umami, and
It’s remarkable to watch a five-year-old draw, void of any anxiety about what the world will think. We all start our lives creatively confident, happy to create and share our work with pride. And then, as we age, our comfort with creative expression declines. We’re discouraged by the learning curve of creative skills and tools,