Now Reading: “Tene” Expands Eco-Focused Efforts to Plastic Waste Collection in Batumi


“Tene” Expands Eco-Focused Efforts to Plastic Waste Collection in Batumi

August 15, 20231 min read

Based on plastic usage data, Batumi emerges as the city with the highest plastic consumption rate after Tbilisi, particularly surging during the summer due to the influx of tourists in the Adjara region. To contribute to environmental conservation, “Tene,” a Georgian eco-friendly USB cable brand, has undertaken initiatives in Batumi, following a series of prior activities.

Initiating the efforts, the Tene team embarked on a beach cleanup campaign in Batumi. Adjacently, they organized a gift giveaway event along the boulevard, wherein numerous USB cables were distributed in exchange for plastic bottles. Presently, individuals have the opportunity to submit their accumulated plastic waste and receive incentives. To partake in this endeavor, one must contact Tene’s online platform, subsequently being directed to the company’s representative in Batumi.

Consequently, residents of Batumi and vacationers spending time in the city have the chance to actively contribute to environmental well-being during their stay.

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